Selasa, 18 September 2012


Harajuku Male Fashion & Hair Styles

Harajuku hairstyle photo.
Harajuku hairstyle.
“With your underground malls in the world of Harajuku
Putting on a show, when you dress up in your clothes
Wild hair color and cell phones
Your accessories are dead on”

That’s the lyric from Gwen Stefani song entitled Harajuku Girls. The song expresses her admiration on Harajuku style. Harajuku is an area around Tokyo’s Harajuku Station. This area is the center of boys and girls fashion style and internationally well known for its cultures. They usually wear fashionably unique clothes. Ranging from gothic style, hip hop, punk, to the style of anime character. The specialty of Harajuku style lies on its glamorous beads, harmonizing dark and bright theme, and melting the feminine and masculine element, both from its style as well as the function. The style is actually divided into various styles such as Lolita, Kogal, Gongaru, Cosplay (costume play), Yamanba, and many more.
The extreme costume from Harajuku is also supported by the extreme of make up and hairstyle. The Harajuku hair style is actually extreme, glamorous, and eye catching. To apply harajuku hair, you should razor your hair, make it wild, let the hair down, & dye your hair (usually with bright color) like the pictures below.
Aiji red harajuku hairstyle.
Red highlighted hair.

Harajuku razored hairstyle. Haircut picture by manganite.

A Look At Harajuku Male Fashion

Fashions seen in Harajuku area have become a somewhat eclectic blend of different styles from around the world. There are many variations on the punk style. There are also several styles of gothic fashion that are quite popular.
One of the most popular, among males, is known as Gothic. The boys wear dresses and makeup, but strongly deny any suggestion that they are transvestites. There are also a fairly large number that choose to wear fashions modeled on the styles worn by members of the hip hop culture and street skaters.
It is also not uncommon to see boys and girls both dressed up to look like their favorite characters from different anime series. Many people choose to blend the styles of 80s heavy metal, rock, and techno music bands. These outfits are often brightly colored. People have named this style, Visual Kei, and is usually worn by members of bands who put on visual as well as musical shows. This practice has come to be known as cosplay, or costume play.

Harajuku cosplay.
Hair fashions are somewhat wild in this area. Guys often razor cut their hair so that it uneven and ragged looking.

Harajuku boys.

Harajuku boys.
They also dye portions of their hair bright, neon colors or bleach it to blonde. It is also not uncommon to see men and boys wearing wild makeup and face paints.
Harajuku guy
Harajuku blonde hair guy.
Harajuku guy
Harajuku guy.
Harajuku male fashions are loosely based on popular fashions from around the world. They soften the lines between male and female in many ways, with boys wearing dresses in some cases. These styles are quite colorful and interesting.

Photos of Different Styles Of Men’s Harajuku Hair

Men’s Harajuku hair comes in many different styles. The one thing they all have in common is that they are brightly colored and very different from the run of the mill Japanese hairstyles. Many of these styles were created to match the clothing fashions that have become popular in this area.
Image of Harajuku cosplayers.
Harajuku cosplayers.
Many men dye their hair blonde. Others choose to dye the hair in bright, neon colors and/or highlights. They, then style the hair in an assortment of looks.

Harajuku bright colored hair.
More men choose to create a messy look with the hair razor cut to make it uneven and ragged. Many create spikes in the hair of different types. Some wear Liberty spikes while others go with a porcupine spike look.

Harajuku spiky hairstyle.
It is also not uncommon to see hairstyles that are inspired by anime characters. One might see several men wearing their hair in a spiky style that looks like that worn by Goku in the series, Dragonball Z. Often, when the hair is styled after an anime character, the clothing worn looks much like the costume worn by the character as well.
Dragon Ball cosplay picture.
Dragon Ball cosplay with Liberty spikes hairstyle.
It is not terribly uncommon to see retro hairstyles such as mullets, pompadour and other styles that were popular in the 1980s. This is because much of the fashion of the area is inspired by the musical groups that were popular in that era. It just seems natural to style the hair to match the costumes.

Boys with their retro styles were dancing at Harajuku.
Harajuku black shadow dancers photo.
Harajuku black shadow dancers with pompadour hairstyles.
Picture of Rockabilly dancers.
Rockabilly dancers in Yoyogi Park, located adjacent to Harajuku Station.
Men’s Harajuku hair comes in a wide range of styles and colors. It is a far cry from the short, straight black hair worn by most Japanese men. However, this area has come to be known as the fashion capitol of Japan among young people. Therefore, it is expected that most will try to create a unique look that displays their personality and individuality.
Harajuku style.
Harajuku style.

Harajuku boys.

Harajuku couple.
Harajuku red gothic hair.
Red gothic hair.

Harajuku cosplay.

Harajuku boys.
Punk is not dead
Harajuku messy hairstyle.


Jul 25, '09 1:28 AM
untuk semuanya
credit: as tagged+Joong Hana@starlovemelody.wordpress
shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress
Joong Hana’s note
Hello..this is my randomness for today…lets talk about fashion…Ive been working on this stuffs for 3 many works to do and its really tiring…since I love fashion and TVXQ so much…I try making TVXQ’s style female version…here is my version of TVXQ’s style and some random fashion
Again I said..this is just my randomness and this is as my practise before becoming a real fashion designer..huahahha as if..
I just hope everyone likes this…
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Junsu really loves to wear overcoats and black…
In my set: The style looks simple..but omg..these clothes is very expensive…I love this style but this is not something that I would wear…haha…I chose all Jimmy Choo’s heels in this set..I love Jimmy Choo! I wish one day I can have and wear shoes made by him…
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I Love Chunnie’s style..its very simple and casual
In my set: This is something that I would wear…I Love the 2nd clothes..and that Marc Jacobs bag on the left..its so nice and *cough cough* expensive…and also in this can find a Jimmy Choo’s heels..I really love it!
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Fashionistas Joongie
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Joongie is my fashion icon..haha..his style is so nice..and my target when looking at him is his bags…he got lots of nice bags especially from LV!!
In my Set: Again there’s Jimmy Choo’s heels in this love the 1st clothes..’peek-a-boo’ shirt similar like Joongie’s shirt..and also love the 3rd clothes..
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Changmin’s style..
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Changmin also got simple and casual style..I love love love to see him in the 3rd pix…
In my set: I also love the 3rd clothes..something that I always wear..except that I always use black I match eveything with heels..that because I love heels…hee
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and the last one is Yunho oppa..
Yunho oppa style is also my favourite..I love the way he dress up..
In my set: I chose mostly shorts..its so short and impossible for me to wear..haha but I like if Im going to wear this style Im going to use leggings..too sexy not allowed loo hehe..I love the 3rd clothes…the skirt is so cute..
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Ok Now you guys can follow TVXQ’s style….huahaha seriously my mind is not creative anymore and my English is broken here..haha Ive been busy..Im doing so many things while posting this up..and now I should go back to my History Essay homework…hehe
Oh on the pictures to see the brand for all the items..

harajuku style

Harajuku adalah suatu area di sekitar stasiun kereta api Harajuku, wilayah Yamanote, distrik Shibuya, Tokyo, Jepang. Kata Harajuku itu sendiri pada perkebangannya mengarah kepada suatu gaya berbusana yang diadopsi dari para remaja yang sering berkumpul di area tersebut.
Harajuku juga merupakan pusat mode dunia. Banyak gaya Harajuku yang dipromosikan, baik di Jepang ataupun dunia internasional, melalui media seperti Kera, Tune, Gothic & Lolita Bible, dan FRUiTS. Banyak pula desainer terkemuka bermunculan dari Harajuku. Harajuku juga menginsipirasi rancangan banyak desainer di seluruh dunia.

Jika kita ingin melihat sekumpulan anak muda yang sedang bergaya Harajuku, kita bisa dating ke daerah Harajuku di Hari Minggu dimana banyak anak muda Jepang yang berdandan seperti karakter anime, artis punk rock, gothic, dan masih banyak lagi.

Gaya busana dari para remaja ini jarang ada yang mengikuti satu gaya atau aliran tertentu. Biasanya mereka lebih banyak memadupadankan antara satu gaya dengan gaya lainnya. Kebanyakan dari mereka juga biasanya berkumpul di Jembatan Jingu, jembatan penyeberangan antara Harajuku ke Kuil Meiji.

Ada beberapa jenis aliran dari gaya Harajuku itu sendiri, antara lain adalah sebagai berikut:
● Visual Kei
Visual Kei lebih mengarah kepada gaya Harajuku yang mengikuti gaya artis rock Jepang (JRock). Ciri-ciri dari gaya ini adalah kostum yang rumit dan detail, gaya yang eksentrik, atau aneh, tampilan dan rambut yang ditata sedemikian rupa, serta penggunaan make-up yang mencolok.
Contoh gaya Visual Kei:.

● Lolita
Lolita adalah gaya busana Jepang yang dipengaruhi oleh gaya Victorian serta busana periode Rococo (Late Baroque). Ciri-ciri yang banyak ditemui dari gaya Lolita adalah rok ataupun gaun panjang selutut dengan bentuk seperti cupcake (mengembang di bagian bawah), kaus kaki ataupun stoking selutut, hiasan kepala, serta baju dengan banyak renda. Lolita sendiri terdiri dari beberapa aliran gaya, misalnya Gothic Lolita (GothLoli), Sweet Lolita, Qi Lolita, Wa Lolita, Country Lolita, dan masih banyak lagi.
Contoh gaya Lolita:

● Decora & Kawaii
Decora atau “Decoration” adalah gaya Jepang yang bercirikan pakaian dan aksesoris dengan warna-warna cerah, pemakaian banyak jepit rambut dengan hiasan dan pita. Aksesoris lainnya yang biasa disertakan dalam gaya ini adalah boneka plasik ataupun boneka yang berbulu, serta perhiasan yang bisa menimbulkan bunyi ketika sang pemakai bergerak.
Sedangkan Kawaii, yang dalam Bahasa Jepang berarti cantik atau imut, dalam hal gaya Harajuku memiliki arti seseorang yang memakai pakaian yang terlihat seperti untuk anak-anak atau gaya yang menonjolkan kelucuan/keimutan orang yang menggunakan pakaian tersebut. Ciri-cirinya adalah baju dengan banyak kerutan, warna pastel atau warna-warna terang, penggunaan aksesoris, termasuk mainan atau boneka berukuran besar, serta tas yang menampilkan karakter anime.
Contoh gaya Decora & Kawaii:

● Ganguro & Kogal
Gaya ini muncul di Jepang pada awal era 1990an, puncaknya pada tahun 2000. Ciri khasnya adalah warna kulit yang gelap dikombinasikan dengan rambut yang dicat warna abu-abu, perak, kuning, atau warna lain yang masih berkenaan dengan warna oranye. Gadis Ganguro biasanya menggunakan lipstick, concealer, dan eye shadow warna putih, eyeliner warna hitam, pemakaian bulu mata palsu, facial gem, dan pearl powder. Pakaian yang digunakan biasanya berwarna cerah, menggunakan rok mini, kain tie-dye, dan memakai banyak perhiasan (cincin, kalung, dan gelang).
Kogal hampir sama dengan Ganguro. Gadis Kogal terkenal dengan “memamerkan” seakan ingin memberitahu semua orang bahwa mereka sangat mapan melalui pakaian yang mereka gunakan, aksesoris, tas (misalnya menggunakan tas Louis Vuitton), selera musik, dan aktivitas sosial mereka sehari-hari.
Contoh gaya Ganguro & Kogal:

● Cosplay
Berikut ini adalah gaya yang paling sering kita temui, Cosplay, singkatan dari Costume Player (dalam Bahasa Jepang diucapkan sebagai “Kosupure”). Cosplay merupakan gaya berpakaian yang mengikuti karakter manga, anime, ataupun video game.
Contoh gaya Cosplay:

photo akb48